Natural Fragrance
Eau de Parfum + Bloom
Eau de Parfum + Bloom
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ 4.6 (3011) Customer Reviews
4.6 (3011) Customer Reviews
Let pure perfumes touch your skin, as if you stroll our fields of fragrance
Our perfumes are incarnations of floral profusions, traditional and pure perfumes, only available as Eau de Parfum´s
Discover our blooming fields of fragrance, feel your skin touch the blooms and the powerful fresh feeling of nature.
Grounded for generations in fragrance flower farming and the health & beauty industry, we compose perfumes with our most popular flowers as basic notes.
We grow gardenias and hydrate the finest blooms to last 4 months. Each gardenia perfume comes with a gardenia bloom.
Did you know that taif roses are a basic note in most luxury perfumes for women of brands like Dior, Chanel and Givenchy?
We grow that basic note taif rose and our Eau de Parfum Taif comes with a Taif rose hydrated to last 4 months.
Fields of Fragrance
Coco Chanel, Christian Dior and Humbert Givenchy were talented fashion designers. Those brands all hired a chemist, a perfumer, to design their fragrances.
We grow fragrant flowers, and our perfumers live and breath natural fragrance for generations. Click here and see how the high-end designer perfume Natural Fragrance Black came to be.